Barra Foundation Awards Grant to Support UCD’s West Philadelphia Skills Center for Economic Advancement

The West Philadelphia Skills Center for Economic Advancement, UCD’s training site for preparing and connecting West Philadelphia residents to jobs with West Philadelphia’s major employers, will scale up its operations with a generous $82,000 grant from The Barra Foundation. Housed at Community College of Philadelphia West, the Center provides intensive training to address the soft […]
Area Employers Partner with UCD to Provide Summer Internships for 50 Students

In six short weeks, 50 high school students will enter the West Philadelphia workforce as UCD Summer Interns. This year UCD has expanded its Professional Internship Program (geared for 11th- and 12th-graders) from 25 to 50 slots, doubling our capacity to positively impact the lives of bright, motivated students seeking challenging and rewarding summer jobs. […]
West Philadelphia Skills Initiative

Graduates from the 2012 WPSI programs talk about their goals.
Through WPSI, job opportunities at Drexel College of Medicine

Drexel College of Medicine and University City District’s West Philadelphia Skills Initiative have teamed up to create job opportunities for Certified Medical Assistants who are residents of West Philadelphia. Information sessions will be held on November 29 (6–7pm), December 6 (6:30–7:30pm), and December 7 (10–11am). You must RSVP to be admitted to a session. Sessions […]
West Philadelphia Skills Initiative Part 2

West Philadelphia Skills Initiative

UCD and West Philadelphia Jobs Initiative on FOX29 News